The Fusion Reactor #173 - Movie Night
All right, we're going to the movies! Or at least listening to songs that have titles that indicate that they might be about a particular movie. You've got links and comments this time. Click on the artist link to find out about the artist, and click the song title to check out the movie.
Charlie Hunter
I saw part of this once. Very odd movie, and not quite as funny as you'd hope. Good thing the song is really swingin'.
This one wasn't too bad. Kinda left me with an "eh" feeling though. Or maybe I'm thinking of White Squall. I know I've seen both.
I'm pretty sure I didn't see this film. I just thought that the title was rather clever (referring to the instrument in the song) and so there it is in the show.
Pip Pyle
Definitely didn't see this one. I hear it's a classic. But it's nice to hear Pip play the drums.
Allan Holdsworth
I did see this one, in psychology class in college. So not recently. I don't remember what the point was. I do remember a psychologist and a kid with troubles. Since I'm now working with troubled kids, perhaps I should revisit this movie? Or perhaps not, it's surely more of a movie than a treatise on how to deal with troubled kids.
Byron Nemeth Group
One of many movies with remakes. I've actually seen both versions. I'm sure many have. They each have their strong points, I guess, so I won't make a strong declaration of which I prefer. But the song really rocks!
Tony Williams
Another "classic" I haven't seen. I guess I should make a list or something and see some of these. Tony put together a great lineup for this album, and no, he doesn't sing on it. There are some killer songs on this one.
Kiko Loureiro
Haven't seen it, haven't been there. Heard the scorching guitar playing in the song though.
Garaj Mahal
Ditto above. Haven't seen it, haven't been there. I like the "world beat" feel to the song. Garaj Mahal is a band I need to check in to more closely, there's some real talent there.
There are at least 10 movies I could find with the title "Illusion" so take your pick. I haven't seen any of them. I did see The Illusionist though. Enjoyed that.
John Coltrane & Don Cherry
Sounding like a broken record... haven't seen it. Since this song is so much older than the recent film, maybe it's hidden somewhere in the soundtrack... maybe playing in a diner or something? Just a thought. Funny how the album title is "The Avant Garde" and it probably sounds tame by todays standards. But at the time...
Medeski Martin & Wood
Speaking of remakes! There are tons of Dracula films out there. Yes, I've seen some of them. And if you're looking to get into MMW, Shack-Man is a great place to start.
The Crusaders
I've seen this one. Unfortunately. If you're looking for something mindless and somewhat action-filled, you still might want to look elsewhere.
Frank Gambale
Saw the remake. It was ok. I just don't think "caper" films are my favorite genre. I'd rather listen to Frank Gambale than watch the movie.
Bill Bruford's Earthworks
Bill tries to sneak in two movies on us! Well, except for the fact that I don't know of a movie called "Fancy Free." But that doesn't mean there isn't one. If you're playing the Kevin Bacon game, you can now connect him to Bill Bruford because of this song.
Now this one has a remake and I've actually seen both versions. I saw the more recent one (with George Clooney) and didn't know if I really liked it or not. I was intrigued though, so I watched the original. Liked it less. The new one has a great soundtrack, which I quickly bought after hearing it in the movie. This Moongarden song is my favorite from their new album, I love the overlapping vocal stylings. Very tasty. The song might even actually be about the movie. I'm not sure.
Weather Report
I saw this as a youth. Don't remember a lot about it, and have little desire to run out and rent it. Perhaps when I have kids. This song, with a title like that, can hardly be about anything other than either the book or the movie.
James Sudakow
I did see this. It's in French, if I recall correctly. I seem to remember the cinematography being beautiful, although I remember very little of the plot. Why James Sudakow's "Red" instead of King Crimson though? Well, I'm pretty sure you've heard the awesome King Crimson song so I thought you'd want to hear someone else's take on the color red. This song rocks and is a great way to close out the show.