Friday, August 05, 2005

The Fusion Reactor #56: Several Themes

I really didn't have any single thing going on during this show. I was running it live, which is a bunch more fun for me than pre-programming it, pre-recording the voice parts, and letting the computer run with it at the appointed time. Not only do I get to run with whatever comes to mind and play off the discussion in the chat room, doing the show live opens up the exciting possibility of a mistake.

There was one error committed during this show, but I'm not sure if anyone will catch it. I was getting a call on my cell phone during my first voiceover, but I don't count that as an error, just a weird interference sound on the mic.

So, the themes during the show were a) songs I listened to in the car recently, b) fill in the blank with "I hope you have _______", c) fill in the blank with "I hope you DON'T have _______" and d) unclassified unthemed stuff I just wanted you to hear, or maybe I wanted to hear. The playlist should help a bit in that regard:

The Perfect Date - Vital Information 05:27 (B)
Some Food - Upright 04:26 (B)
Crescent - McLaughlin, John 07:42 (D)
The Coming Dawn (Thanatopsis) - Kansas 05:45 (A)
Lame Duck - Palacios, Tony 05:20 (A)
Xanax Taxi - Brand X 05:59 (D)
Illusions - Chick Corea Elektric Band 11:41 (C)
Sword Of Goliath - Ajalon 05:52 (A)
The Homeward Race - Bainbridge, Dave 05:26 (A)
The St. Vitus Dance - Horace Silver 04:10 (C)
Lungs - Abercrombie, John 11:47 (B)
Medieval Overture - Return To Forever 05:14 (D)
Through A Glass Darkly - Glass Hammer 06:50 (A)
The Feeling Of Tomorrow's Better - Pursuit 09:50 (A)
Joy Filled Summer - Williams, Tony (Lifetime) 05:54 (B)
Red Tape - Schleigho 09:32 (C)
Calcutta - Dixie Dregs 05:28 (D)

Of course, these are all from my collection so I got them for a reason, but personally I feel the playlist kicked butt. Let me know what you think when you hear it. You can either download it or stream it.


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